E3 Fathers Farm, Mobile Market and Food Pantry
Mobile Community Grocery Store
The Mobile Community Grocery Store is a mobile grocery store that will provide a grocery shopping experience to a community void of grocery stores. The mobile Grocery store will provide access to fresh produce and grocery staples needed by the families who live within our community. MCG (Mobile Community Grocery Store) will provide a to-your-community shopping experience.
Mt. Carmel Father’s Farm
The Father’s Farm which is located on the grounds of Mt. Carmel Church, plants and grows organic vegetables and fruits. The farm is maintained by the members of the church with assistance from the community. The church works in conjunction with hired farmers to prepare the ground for the growing season. Church members, along with community support, work together to plant, nurture, and harvest.
Mt. Carmel Food Pantry
Our Mission: To meet the short-term needs of the community, by providing groceries for those in need, on a temporary basis. The food pantry is open to assist the Far Eastside community each Wednesday, from 12 noon to 2 pm.
The church and the Far Eastside community bound together in providing spiritual and physical nourishment for our families.
The Mobile Community Grocery Store and Fathers Farm, a joint effort to eliminate the Far Eastside food desert, while also promoting healthy living, by providing access to fresh ingredients for cooking to improve quality of life and well-being.
For more information on how you can support the Fathers Farm and The Mobile Community Grocery Store initiative and get updates on its progress, please contact, Rev. Courtney Hardy at courtneyhardy@mtcarmelindy.org 317-890-2740 xt. 18. Market Master Cheryl Ross at mtcarmel@mtcarmelindy.org 317-890-2740 xt. 12. Click the button below to visit our Farmers Market website.
2024 Second Sunday
Farmers Market
Summer Dates coming soon!
Our Farm Partners:
Legacy Farms,