
Here are our Outreach ministries:


Food Pantry

Our Mission: To provide assistance to families in need.
Hours: Wednesday from 12:00 P.M. to 2:00 P.M.

Missionary Ministry

Our Mission: To meet the needs of persons on foreign and home mission fields.
PRESIDENT:  Judith Tribble @ Mtcarmelmissionary@mtcarmelindy.org
MEETING TIME:  1st Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m.
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Bookstore Ministry

Store Hours:
Every Sunday before and after both services. 

Media Ministry

Our Mission:  To make available on social media activities held in the name of Mount Carmel Baptist Church (which are appropriately edited to minimize dead space, exclude announcements, etc.) for the benefit of persons desiring to have future opportunities to listen to specific messages and music presented in our church.  These tapes are provided for a nominal fee to cover the costs of the materials of reproduction, however, they are made available for free to our sick and shut-in, incarcerated, and out-of-town college student members when requested items.
Meet as Needed

Planning To Visit

We can't wait for you to join us!

Our Location

9610 East 42nd St.

Indianapolis, Indiana 46235

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